Satura rādītājs:
- Raksta galvenie momenti
- 10 veselības ieguvumi no lecošajiem džekiem
- 1. Saglabājiet savu sirdi veselīgu
- 2. Palīdzība svara zaudēšanai
- 3. Uzlabot koordināciju
- 4. Atbrīvojiet stresu
- 5. Labs iesildīšanās vingrinājums
- 6. Izstrādājiet visu ķermeni
- 7. Uzlabojiet elastību
- 8. Muskuļu tonis
- 9. Improve Stamina And Stability
- 10. Make Your Bones Stronger
- How To Do Jumping Jacks
- Jumping Jacks Variations
- 1. Front Clap Jumping Jacks
- How To Do Clap Jumping Jacks
- 2. Alternating Jumping Jacks
- How To Do Alternating Jumping Jacks
- 3. Plank Jacks
- How To Do Plank Jacks
- Muscles That Jumping Jacks Work On
- Expert’s Answers For Readers’ Questions
Lēkšanas domkrati ir jauka atmiņa par mūsu bērnību. Šis jautrais visa ķermeņa vingrinājums lielākoties tiek izmantots iesildīšanai un uzreiz paaugstina garastāvokli un aktivizē dažādas muskuļu grupas. Stingrās kalistēniskās kustības palīdz uzlabot jūsu izturību, ir lielisks vingrinājums sirds un asinsvadu sistēmai un mazina stresu. Šajā rakstā mēs apspriedīsim priekšrocības, ko sniedz domkratu veikšana, kā tos pareizi izdarīt, un variācijas. Sāksim.
Raksta galvenie momenti
- Priekšrocības no lekt domkrati
- Kā izdarīt lekt domkrati
- Lecošo džeku variācijas
- Muskuļi, pie kuriem darbojas lecošie domkrati
10 veselības ieguvumi no lecošajiem džekiem
Ir dažādi iemesli, kāpēc domkrati tiek uzskatīti par efektīviem. Jā, tie ir ļoti jautri, taču šeit ir 10 citi iemesli, kāpēc tos vajadzētu pilnībā iekļaut treniņu režīmā.
1. Saglabājiet savu sirdi veselīgu
Jumping jack ir aerobais kardio vingrinājums, kas nozīmē, ka jūs izmantojat skābekli, lai apmierinātu enerģijas vajadzības un stimulētu sirds muskuļus. Sirdij ir jāpieliek īpaši lielas pūles, lai sūknētu pietiekami daudz skābekļa saturošu asiņu un arī no šūnām atgūtu oglekļa dioksīda saturošās asinis. Tas savukārt palīdz vingrināt sirds muskuļus un citus orgānus, piemēram, plaušas. Tādējādi šis vienmērīgais un lēnais vingrinājums uztur jūsu sirdi veselīgu, nodrošinot tai labu treniņu.
2. Palīdzība svara zaudēšanai
Šis kardio vingrinājums ir zināms arī kā svara zudums. Tas palīdz sadedzināt liekās kalorijas, tādējādi radot negatīvu enerģijas bilanci organismā. Tas nozīmē, ka esat iztērējis vairāk enerģijas nekā patērēto kaloriju skaits. Un šī ir galvenā svara zaudēšanas mantra. Veiciet 3 komplektus ar 50 atkārtojumiem, un jūs sajutīsiet, kā jūsu sirds sūknējas, un pārsteidzoši, ka jums patiks to svīst.
3. Uzlabot koordināciju
Lēkšanas domkrati ir visu, lai koordinētu ekstremitāšu kustības ar lēcieniem. Tas, savukārt, palīdz uzlabot koordināciju starp ekstremitātēm un smadzenēm. Jūs attīstīsit labāku laika, ritma, līdzsvara un stājas izjūtu.
4. Atbrīvojiet stresu
Lecošo domkratu veikšana var mazināt stresu. Kā? Nu, kad jūs lecat un pārvietojat rokas uz augšu un uz leju, jūsu smadzenes stimulē serotonīna vai "justies labi" hormona izdalīšanos. Adrenalīna izdalīšanās arī rada satraukumu. Šie hormoni kopā ir atbildīgi par to, lai jūs justos laimīgi un pazeminātu stresa līmeni.
5. Labs iesildīšanās vingrinājums
Pirms sākat treniņu, jums vienmēr vajadzētu iesildīties. Papildus izstiepšanai domkratu veikšana palīdzēs atslābināt ekstremitāšu, serdes, gurnu, muguras un sejas muskuļus. Pabeidzot 30 atkārtojumu komplektu, jūs būsiet gatavs nākamajam iesildīšanās vingrinājumam.
6. Izstrādājiet visu ķermeni
Jūs lecat, izpletat kājas, paņemat rokas virs galvas un tad maigi nolaižaties uz grīdas, atkal saliekot kājas un rokas uz sāniem. Tātad jūs galvenokārt nodarbojaties ar visu ķermeni - bicepsiem, tricepsiem, sēžamvietām, adduktoriem, hamstringiem, teļiem, kvadracikliem, krūšu muskuļiem, serdi, latiem utt. Tādējādi tas ir lielisks visa ķermeņa treniņš. Lai padarītu to intensīvu, palieliniet ātrumu, atkārtojumus un iestatījumus.
7. Uzlabojiet elastību
Jā, lekt domkrati arī palīdz uzlabot jūsu elastību. Ja jūs neveicat aktīvu dzīvi un dienas laikā ilgi nesēžat, ir maz iespēju, ka esat tik elastīgs kā bērnībā. Patiesībā, ja jūs sākat trenēties vēlreiz, jums var būt grūti pat izdarīt 20 lecošos domkratus vienā piegājienā. Tas ir labi. Jūs varat sākt ar zemas intensitātes lēciena domkrati un mazāk atkārtojumu un pēc tam pāriet uz vairākiem atkārtojumiem un ātrgaitas lēcienu domkrati. Kad jūs progresējat, jums būs vieglāk veikt šo vingrinājumu ar lielāku vieglumu un pareizu roku un kāju novietojumu.
8. Muskuļu tonis
Losing the tone of your muscles can make your body look sagged and malnourished. Doing jumping jacks on a regular basis can help shed the fat. Doing a high-intensity version of jumping jacks can also help improve muscle tone, thereby shaping your thighs, buttocks, calves, shoulders, and arms.
9. Improve Stamina And Stability
Jumping up and landing softly with perfect timing and poise will improve your balance and stability. Moreover, if you do more number of reps per set and increase the number of sets you do, you will be able to improve your stamina.
10. Make Your Bones Stronger
Exercising regularly has many health benefits, and that includes being strong physically and mentally. This exercise improves bone mineral density, and you will start to feel better, healthier, and stronger. You will definitely see a change in how your body reacts to pathogens and stress.
These were the 10 reasons you should absolutely start doing jumping jacks. But do you know the correct technique to do the exercise? Here’s how to do jumping jacks properly.
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How To Do Jumping Jacks
The following video describes and breaks down the steps for you. Make sure you keep your knees relaxed and bend them a little as you land. This will prevent your knees from getting injured. Also, wear comfortable clothes and trainers while doing this exercise.
The best part about jumping jacks is that you can include many variations and prevent getting bored of doing the same exercise. Here are a few variations to the traditional jumping jacks exercises.
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Jumping Jacks Variations
1. Front Clap Jumping Jacks
Target – Lats, shoulders, biceps, triceps, inner thighs, hamstrings, quads, calves, and glutes.
How To Do Clap Jumping Jacks
Step 1: Stand straight. Keep your feet close together, shoulders pinched back, hands extended in front of your chest, palms facing each other, and core engaged.
Step 2: Jump and split your legs apart. Move your hands away and bring them to your side, in line with the shoulders. Land softly on your feet with your knees bent a little.
Step 3: Jump again and bring your legs and hands together.
Step 4: Repeat 20 times. Do 3 sets of 20 reps.
2. Alternating Jumping Jacks
Target – Inner thighs, hamstrings, calves, glutes, hip flexors, and quads.
How To Do Alternating Jumping Jacks
Step 1: Stand straight with your feet close, hands by your side, palms facing your body, shoulders pinched back, and core engaged.
Step 2: Jump and split your legs so that your right leg is in the front and left at the back. Do not do a lunge, just bend your knees a little. You can flex your elbows and move your left hand in front and your right hand back to balance your body.
Step 3: Jump again and bring your right leg to the back and left in the front. Move your left hand back and right hand to the front.
Step 4: Repeat 25 times. Do 3 sets of 25 reps.
3. Plank Jacks
Target – Core, adductor, glute, hamstrings, calves, and quads.
How To Do Plank Jacks
Step 1: Kneel down on a mat. Clench your fists, flex your elbows, and place your forearms and fists on the mat. This is a dog or cat position.
Step 2: Supporting your body on your forearm, extend your right leg behind you and support the foot on your toes. And then, extend your left leg behind and support it on your left toes. This is the starting position.
Step 3: Supporting your body on your forearms, jump and split your legs out.
Step 4: Jump again and bring your right legs together.
Step 5: Repeat 10 times. Do 3 sets of 10 reps.
These variations of jumping jacks will keep you fit and target different muscles of the body. Which muscles are these? Let’s find out in the next section.
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Muscles That Jumping Jacks Work On
- Hip Adductors – Adductors are present in the inner region of your thighs. This is a difficult area to shed fat from and doing traditional jumping jacks or the modified variants can help target the flab in the inner thigh area.
- Calves – The calf muscles are present at the back of your lower legs. Chiseled calves are more than attractive. They are a sign of strong legs and can also help you walk and run with much ease.
- Hip Abductors – In simple language, they are the muscles present in the outer thighs, from your hips to your knees. Moving your legs in and out helps work on these muscles and tones them.
- Shoulder Abductors And Adductors – The shoulder abductors are put to action when you move your arms sideways, and the shoulder adductors are put to action when you bring back your arms close to your body. They also include the lat muscles or the muscles present on your upper back.
- Core – Working the core is difficult. When you jump while doing jumping jacks, you activate the core and the back muscles, synchronizing the movements of major muscle groups in your body. This is why the jumping jack is an effective exercise for your core as well.
So, it is clear that jumping jacks work on all the muscles of your body and can help shed the fat. Start doing them to feel better, stronger, and live an active and fit life. I promise you will not regret it. All the best!
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Expert’s Answers For Readers’ Questions
Do jumping jacks help lose belly fat?
Doing just jumping jacks will not help you shed belly fat. Belly fat is stubborn. You must include high knees, crunches, side jackknives, bicycle crunches, and running in your routine to lose belly fat.
How many calories do you burn while doing jumping jacks?
Depending on your current weight, the intensity of the exercise, and time, you can burn anywhere between 100-200 calories by doing jumping jacks.
Are jumping jacks safe during pregnancy?
No, it is not safe to do jumping jacks during pregnancy.
How many jumping jacks do you have to do daily to lose weight?
You must to 5 sets of 50 jumping jacks to lose weight. In addition, you have to take care of what you eat. Avoid junk food and consume lots of green veggies, lean protein, healthy fats, and dietary fiber.
Are jumping jacks bad for the legs?
Jumping jacks are low-intensity exercises that do not put too much pressure on the knees. Make sure you do not do this exercise if your knees are injured. Wear shock absorbing shoes and keep your knees slightly bent when you land on the floor.